Welcome to MooseNet - Your Digital Media Platform Hub

Welcome to MooseNet

Feel free to login to either of the servers below by clicking on the images.


MooseNet-Plex seamlessly integrates with your existing Plex account, granting you access to our extensive collection of movies and TV shows. To access our content, you'll need a Plex account and a subscription to the MooseNet service.

MooseNet-Plex server logo

Access to our collection of TV shows and movies

To make a Plex account, visit Plex.tv and sign up either through Google, Facebook, or Apple, or you can choose to enter your email address instead...


Our front-end and back-end data collection service. The front-end of MooseNet-Ombi will show digital content accessible on MooseNet-Plex and our back-end data collection service scans TMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, and various other platforms to find upcoming and currently streaming films and television programs.

MooseNet-Ombi server logo

You must already have access to and be a subscriber to our collection in order to access MooseNet-Ombi...

Sign up

Donations are always welcome to continue to build our servers

Donate with PayPal
Donate with CashApp
Donate with Venmo

Subscription Donation suggestions once subscribed:

1 Year = $50.00 ($4.16/mo)
6 Months = $30.00 ($5.00/mo)
1 Month = $6.00